We are Known for Quality Service
First Circuit Electric is a licensed electrical contracting company based in Houma, LA. Our team of qualified electricians serve both residential and commercial clients in Houma, Thibodaux, and the surrounding areas.
Learn more about our services and how we can make your next project a success by calling us at 985-860-8828
We are available Monday – Friday, 8am-5pm and on weekends
by appointment.
Casinobud tarjoaa maailman ensimmäisen syndikaatti-vedonlyöntialustan
Play Together -toiminto Casinobudilla on uusi kasinoinnovaatio, jonka avulla voit pelata ystävä- tai Casinobudin pelaajaryhmän kanssa. Yksi jäsen ottaa vastuun kapteenina, kun taas muut seuraavat johtajaa hienostuneen käyttöliittymän kautta. Lisäksi pelisessioita voidaan suoratoistaa Twitchin kautta, jolloin kasinofanaatikot voivat virittäytyä seuraamaan.
Ominaisuus vaatii vähintään kaksi pelaajaa, joista toinen toimii kapteenina ja toinen jäsenenä. Kapteeni on ryhmän luoja, ja hän vastaa ratkaisevista päätöksistä, kuten pelin aloittamisesta ja käteisrahan nostamisesta. Lisäksi on tärkeää huomata, että jäsenet eivät pelaa, vaan he luottavat kapteeniin, joka ohjaa jokaista peliä. Ryhmäistunto voi koostua useammasta kuin yhdestä jäsenestä, ja jäsenet voivat kuulua samanaikaisesti useampaan ryhmään. Jäsenyys kussakin ryhmäistunnossa kestää kuitenkin vain siihen asti, kunnes istunto on päättynyt.
Jokaisella ryhmällä on yhteinen lompakko, johon kapteeni ja kaikki muut jäsenet keräävät osuutensa. Kapteeni päättää, mitä pelejä pelataan, ja lyö vetoa yhteisessä lompakossa olevilla rahoilla. Kun istunto päättyy, jaetussa lompakossa olevat rahat jaetaan automaattisesti kaikkien osallistuvien pelaajien kesken heidän osuutensa mukaan.
Tässä vaiheessa hahmottelisimme normaalisti jonkin mehukkaan tervetuliaispaketin, joka odottaa kaikkia, jotka harkitsevat liittymistä tarkastelun kohteena olevaan kasinoon. Valitettavasti näin ei tapahdu tänään, koska mitään pysyviä tervetuliaistarjouksia ei ole löytynyt, joita olisimme pystyneet jäljittämään. CasinoBud on tapana huutaa tarjouksistaan, olemme päätelleet, ettei niitä ole juuri nyt tarjolla. Tämä saattaa tietysti muuttua tulevaisuudessa, mutta tätä kirjoitettaessa sinun on etsittävä tervetuliaisbonusta muualta.
First Circuit Electric provides a full spectrum of electrical services and although much of our work is in the commercial markets, we also perform emergency electrical services for local businesses, and homes. Our trained and competent electricians are equipped to handle nearly any challenge and are as comfortable on a major job site as they are on your residential remodel project.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
D J was very professional, he was attentive to my needs. I would recommend his company.
Upgrade an Electrical Panel or Wiring
I really appreciate the quality of work that was done. Very professional. Thanks so very much.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
Very friendly and very professional and great service
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
Very professional, listens to your concerns.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
He was very helpful
Upgrade an Electrical Panel or Wiring
Guys were on time, professional. Great customer service! Was here the day I called them! Will hire again!
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
Excellent work! Well satisfied!
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
Timely, professional, and a very good job.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
Fiendly, reasonable rate, honest, on time. EXCELLENT!!!
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
The electrician came out on a Sunday afternoon, made money saving and cost cutting suggestions. He started working on Monday morning and was finished by 3:00 Tuesday afternoon. Friendly, knowledgeable, and all around great professional manner. Will definitely use for all electrical so from now on.
Upgrade an Electrical Panel or Wiring
Great people Will call back
Upgrade an Electrical Panel or Wiring
Came and took care of my job promptly.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
Definitely would use his service again.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
DJ did an awesome job. Of the 3 contractors, that received my request, he was the first one who contacted me and really the only one. Which I am glad it was him, because I was very pleased with his services. He took the time to explain some things to me about the smart switches, and gave recommendations. Even after he was done, I was unsure of some wiring questions and he took my calls and explained things to me. Very pleased with his services and I would use him in the future if/when I need electrical work.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
They are very professional, and they know what they are doing.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
Everybody is very good, and their work is very neat and clean.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
They are very courteous, and they know what they are doing.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
If you want your job done right these are the people to call, expert electricians!
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
We deal with the owner of the company, he is prompt and punctual whenever we need him.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
Their quality of work is excellent and they are prompt. I would recommend them to any one that needs electrical work done.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
They do quality work for a good price.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
He is very prompt, provides exquisite service, has a wealth of knowledge pertaining the to the electrical field, and always willing to help and offer suggestions.
Install Electrical Switches, Outlets, and Fixtures
They were prompt and thorough in explaining options.